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Returning to study after illness/1st Phd failure

Hi all,

Thanks for all of your replies - they've been very encouraging and supportive. It's given me the confidence to apply for a couple of PhD projects advertised on here. Plus, I told my manager at work about my plans and he's given me an academic contact to make a speculative application to.

Fingers crossed!


Returning to study after illness/1st Phd failure

Thanks BilboBaggins, your post was very encouraging to read. I have similar fears about the 2nd time around but as you say, you learn from the past experience of the 1st go.

I think my major stumbling block here is trying to convince a potential supervisor that I'm much better now healthwise and that what happened during the 1st attempt won't happen again. Putting a positive spin on my work experience and my past educational experience will definitely help.

Returning to study after illness/1st Phd failure

Thanks for your reply Hazyjane, it was very helpful. :-)

I have arranged a careers interview with the National Careers Service to get some help with my CV (unfortunately, my two year post-graduation entitlement to my former University's careers service has expired). How to explain the "MSc after 4 years of full-time education" situation has been a difficult one for me but your suggestion of "Postgraduate researcher" is definitely one I could use.

My workplace has been very supportive and sympathetic to my health situation. My team leader has been fantastic, and I'm sure he would have no problem in acting as a good referee for me.

G 8-)

Returning to study after illness/1st Phd failure

Hi guys,

I'm not sure how unique my situation is, but I'm hoping to hear from people who have been in similar positions or from others with helpful advice.

A few years ago, I registered for a 4-year science PhD for which I did the research, produced a thesis and had my viva. After the viva, I was awarded an MSc instead of a PhD as it was felt that while the thesis was well written, my research wasn't coherent enough for a doctorate degree. However, during the degree I suffered with mental health difficulties (depression mostly). This flared up badly a couple of times during my PhD (leading to weeks out of the lab at a time).

For the past two years, I've worked as a Research Scientist for a biotech company. My illness is much better controlled now - I am on the right medication with minimal side effects, and I know my triggers and how to spot the signs early if I am getting ill again. I'm much more forthcoming in getting support now too (which I admit I wasn't in the past).

Despite what has happened, I still want to get my PhD, even more so if I can beat my illness to do it.

I was wondering if there were any people out there who have successfully returned to a PhD after failing their first attempt and/or after illness? How did you explain it in your application? Were supervisors sympathetic to your position?

Any replies would be really helpful. Cheers!