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Does the ranking of your university matter for doing a PhD?

How important would it be to get a PhD from a high-ranking university in a career outside the academia? For example someone who intend to work in industry afterwards or in the career of a physician, or for clergy (like myself). Would it matter if anyone in these positions had a PhD from a lower ranking university?

PhD in Theology with a 2:2 Bachelor's and a M.A (Pass)?

Hello all! I know this question has been up alot at this forum, but I haven't quite found the answer to my specific situation.

I have a Bachelor's degree in theology from Uppsala University in Sweden that equals to a 2.2 (UK classification). I also have a post-graduate diploma in theology and ministry and a M.A in Theology from Durham university with a pass, besides my academic qualifications, I am also an ordained priest in the Church of England. My lifelong dream has been to do a PhD in theology, and my question is if it would be possible for me to get accepted at any university? My bad grades has had alot to do with concentration issues related to my ADHD, but this isn't something I want to blame everything on.

On all the university sites it says that "a 2:1 degree or a master's degree is required..."

When they say this, do they mean that I just need to have a master's degree, or does it have to be one awarded with merit? Should I call off my dream or is there still a chance?

Thank you in advance for your help!