Overview of toriamac

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What music are you listening to whilst you write?

morrissey, acoustic rock mostly although the cult have been known to sneak in there too...

Avoiding Supervisor - anyone else?

I would just talk to your supervisor, I had a lot of family issues while I was doing my undergraduate degree and tried to muddle through but eventually told all to my supervisor and he was great and pleased that I was upfront with him. I work with lecturers and students now and I can guarantee that they can tell when someone is being genuine and you will feel much better just for letting him know.

Is This Fair Treatment?

Its not the original lack of response that is perhaps the most annoyiong but more the fact that my supervisor had chosen to feedback to a team of people, many of whom have nothing to do with supervising me, instead of getting back to me directly despite me chasing him.

Is This Fair Treatment?

I just wondered what others would think of this. I am working on a PHD for which I was awarded a studentship as part of a larger AHRC funded project. I am working from home based at a record office away from my institution. Since starting I have met my supervisor 3 times. I submitted a very draft 1st chapter in March (8 months after registration) and told him i would follow up with a revised chapter when i had done some more reading. However I never heard back from him but now I hear the project team have been discussing my lack of progress, yet my tutor has not fed back to me at all.