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Good viva, bad result

I think if they decided to give you that degree you can move on your desire degreeby approaching another uni. if you have MPhil you will need only 2 years for full-time or some more for part-time ( check with university guidelines). It is very important who is your examiners are. Dont get upset. I am working on my correction and have got a feelings that my corrected version will throw by the examiner- then what happen? Life is ups and downs. if you really want that degree just need 2 more stairs.
Take a breadth - and think wisely and stragically. you will get it.
Stay positive!


PhD post-viva revision works

Thanks Incognito - Drstrangelove- Bilbobaggins for your inspirational words. :)

I have got my viva last month and have got a revision of works and will submit within next 6 months. the award will be approved after satisfaction approval of my correction version. my viva is on assured defence ( they said it was good) - so i dont need any more viva. I am just wondering what is the chance of not approving my correction version and how long it takes for examiner's satisfaction for approval? Since I found my nominated examiner is very critical and has got her PhD very recently.

Thanks again and please stay in touch! Love you all :)


PhD post-viva revision works

Dear fellow
I am working on my post-viva revision works. i have recieved a deadline for 6 months to resubmit (march 17). some corrections are very straightforward- some are re-shuffle with critical reflection. getting demotivated for this doing again. kind of feeling that I have written my own thesis before, now I am writing for other from examiner's directions.

How could I get this correction perfect?


Thanks for your moral supports. I have been adviced to deactivate my facebook and other virtual society accounts to get in my perfect resubmission work in time. I am just wondering what will worse affect from virtual social media to me? When I feel down I like to roam around facebook homepages- not for a long - is that doing wrong at this moment?

Last 3 days I am not working for any resubmit correction rather preparaing my job applications. Which one is the priority? I need both - job and the degree... is it day dream???


Heartbroken resubmission verdict

Quote From Pineapple30:
Hey :)

I have read the following tips and trying to wor on it. I dont know why I am getting demotovation on my resubmission work since I have recieved only 6 months to re-submit thesis approvl for the degree.... :(

Regards, Uttara

A few tips....
- Deleted/deactivated facebook. Pictures and status updates of successful PhD stories along with updates on engagements, marriages, pregnancies typically left me feeling pretty low. Also a massive source of distraction. Deactivating it allowed me to focus on my resubmission.
- In my line of sight above my desk, I stuck a big sign of 'I CAN DO THIS'. This helped me stay positive.
- I reduced almost all contact with my sups as their doubts affected my motivation levels.
- I played motivational tunes on a loop whilst taking a break. 'I'm a survivor', 'keep the faith' etc etc.
- Towards the end, my family (dad) kept asking how it was going. I isolated myself in my bedroom as I didn't need his constant 'have you finished yet' comments.
- Focused on the positive feedback from my examiners. Examiners had the power to fail me, but they saw the merits in my work and awarded a resubmission verdict for a reason.
- Worked constantly and consistently on working through each and every correction
- Towards the end I was working stupidly long hours (4am- 9pm)- NOT recommended! However, I found the early hours of the morning very productive as it was so quiet!
- Zero hour contract job enabled me to take 3 months off to rewrite my thesis.
- Focused on my unique PhD and tried to limit comparisons with other PhDs.

Best of luck :) Feel free to PM!


Hi Everyone,
I was thinking for a blog to open as "re-submission stress" and got one here. I am a newcomer and have been in stress last two weeks for my resubmission work. I have got 6 months time to re submit but feeling a bit demotivated. dont know why - dont feel to do it again. However, I need my degree. is anyone can help me? I am scared of my desire and act !!!