Overview of vkulesh

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Honest Opinion

Thank you very much everyone, the discussion has been very useful.

Maybe it's not that straightforward but I realised that I have been given money to make my own project possible.

Once I accept the offer, the responsibility to develop, promote and implement is fully mine.

I suppose that's why you constantly think about it and fear to fail. You think on ways to make your research better 24 hours/7 days a week. In addition, academic support from your supervisor plays a vital role in a success of a project.

Publications and conferences are the marketing part of the research. Great chance to network and make future out of it.

Honest Opinion

Thank you ...

I do like independence and would try to treat Phd as a 9-5 work. The research topic is interesting, has good potential and value for government, industry and especially consumers.

Lots of people tend to say that Phd is solitude but from my perspective there is lots of networking and fun.

During my MSc I have been on Committee of International Students as well as Post Graduate and Mature Students Associations. Every week we would go for a drink, travel across UK and do something fun. This is how I made many Phd friends and always thought of Phd as rather fun. Associations provided interaction and possibility to speak with lots of interesting people from different Departments.

Nevertheless I also think that knowing the risks of Phd will help to cover the Phd-Industry gap by attending training courses, getting some awards/certificates and interim positions as consultant or KTPs.

There are lots of ideas in my head which I want to realise and cover in this project.The only thing that I am afraid of is to be over-ambitious and set up high expectations.

Then I will be limited by Uni/Supervisor or simply will not have enough time for everything making the fall even greater.

Honest Opinion

Hi Everyone!

I would like to have your honest opinion.

I have been granted a Phd funding in area of food sciences from one of UK Uni's. I have personally met with supervisor who seems to be a nice guy and has previously supervised Phd students. He also told that he knows how to get the Phd done.

Supervisor agreed to do the research based on mine proposal so I will take full responsibility for promoting and networking. Although I am not big fun of publishing, I love the topic, just hope that mine reading and writing skills are not that bad.

However reading all the negative experience, I am trying to reflect whether to risk now or not.

At the moment I simply can't see myself in private sector. Later on I am planing to provide consulting services, get positions in government, trade associations and maybe later get back to EU institutions.

At this point, would you rather risk or go for a few years of experience in industry.

In worst case scenario will be getting back to private sector as a recent graduate.

Many thanks.

I am 25 and currently working in one of EU agencies (Contract ends in 2014)
MSc (Distinction) from Russel Group Uni.
During MSc I worked as RA in one of the projects funded by UK government
Consultancy services in one of private sector agency
Some other short - term work/research experience