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Question about self-funding a PhD project

Hi there,

I am looking for some help regarding a question on PhD funding. I am in the following situation:
I was offered a PhD position (medical science) for entry October 2015, but failed to allocate any funding so far (scholarships, etc.). I am still looking for funding, but in the worst case I was thinking about starting the PhD with self-funding for the first months/year while applying for funding for the rest of the PhD duration as soon as possible. I know that I would have to pay tuition fees and my own maintenance costs (accomodation, food etc). But since this is a science PhD involving lots of lab work, I was wondering who has to pay for the laboratory consumables (chemicals, cell cultures, etc.)? Is that paid for by the university department (provided I pay my tuition fees) or would I have to cover that as well? That would be problematic, as I know how fast lab consumables costs can amount to seriously high values.

Could anybody enlighten me on this?
Thank you!