Overview of Vsavy

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Postdoc interview outcome

I have two previous postdocs within the UK university and looking for a third postdoc. I have received some interview calls and attended these interviews however I have not received any reply about my status from the university even after a month/fortnight. Has anyone faced the similar situation and can provide any advice. Is it normal. Thanks.

Reference letter

Did you mean that you could not receive any reference even after giving your money and time. It's pretty bad.

MSc thesis upload

I have recently completed my MSc from a Russel group of institutes. I am looking for some information from MSc thesis on my subject. Does anybody know whether there is any site (I know you can get most of the PhD thesis from ethos) for MSc thesis and if there is any opportunity to upload my MSc thesis. Many thanks.

Issue during my Masters

Thanks to all for your morale support. I was really depressed.

Issue during my Masters

I (home student but out of UK origin) have just completed my masters from the UK university. I have been supervised by a PhD student for my masters thesis. I had submitted a good thesis but I received least marks in this thesis out of a class strength of 30 which pulled my MSc result to just pass (1% off the merit). The PhD guy also said that I would remember this experience throughout my life. I was looking for a PhD position but I am not sure how to arrange one now. Can anyone please tell whether there is any chance of getting a PhD position in STEM subject (in the current year) after receiving a pass in master.