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feel miserable, desperate and unmotivated

Hi in_between

I do have deadlines ( in agreement with my supervisors) but i keep on missing them. First it had to be due the first of the september, than i said to myself well okay, mid september.. then it became october.. and now we are the 20th of october and I still feel like I just can't finish it. My supervisors are getting upset, especially since they didn't here from me for two months. I just didn't want to confront them without having something 'good enough'. So I kept on postponing communication or appointments. And this is only for my draft version of my thesis..

And I did the exact same thing over and over again : telling a friend i can't go for a drink because i want to work for my thesis and then i found myself hours randomly surfing the internet. With sports I find myself in the same place as my thesis. Because i did university for 5 years and i did spend most of my time 'sitting' behind a computer, i have no condition what so ever and like with my thesis, getting into shape seems like another route of dissapointment, so i start for like 3 times and then i'm like .. naah. I can't motivate myself anymore. I don't even recognize myself anymore because I was really different when i started university 5 years ago. This thesis has dissapointed my so much I just don't want to spend time on it anymore.. but i have to , to get a degree..

Thanks for your advice! :)

feel miserable, desperate and unmotivated

Hi 'in_between',

I was wondering : how are you now? How did you broke the circle you were in? Currently I am in a very similar situation of the one you were in almost two years ago. Can you give me some advice on what worked for you? I am also an extreme perfectionist and oversensitive ( I tend to overthink every situation/pessimist) My writing process is going terrible, i am practically stuck, can't write a damn thing anymore ( even tough i have i enough evidence that once i was capable of writing and meeting deadlines)

Thanks in advance !

