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League tables mean crap all, especially for postgraduate studies.

phd applying for english

yeah, but I'm saying is, that if I began my PhD in September, my final mark of my MA won't actually be made available until September...so I'll be three months into studying the PhD and they won't have confirmed my grades. So how could they allow my study there without knowing my MA result?

phd applying for english

My master degree finishes in september '09, and I would like to apply to start a PhD in that Septemnber. However, whilst my MA finish then, the dissertation is not marked until at least mid December. So how will the uni I apply for a PhD make an offer? Surely they can't admit me without knowing what I got for my MA?

Thanks for the help

MA English Literature

I have applied for an MA in English Literature, where the entry requirements stay that 'The MA is open to anyone with an upper second class honours degree in English' (it is at Bristo). I am predicted a good 2.1 and I have two good referneces from my tutors. Is there any reason why they wouldn't accept me? Only I heard that for MA courses it's relatively easy to get on to them, it's the funding that's the issue - is this true? I'm not bothered about funding as I can just about self-fund - but is it reasonable to expect an offer?