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Possibility to take a spouse during PhD studying for non-EU citizen

with my experience studying for an MSc in the UK, i'll advice even if you are to go with her, you go first and then settle down and get housing first before she joins you. As an international student, you need to adjust to the situation and conditions first especially relocating to another country different from your own. conditions might totally be different.

wish you all the best in your programme

Getting funding for PhD

H, you are totally missing the point here. I paid for myself to do my MSc in Public Health and can pay for my PhD likewise.

The issue in hand here is why do institutions differentiate when they are seeking for studentship? if it was open to all, there would be better competition and equal access. Thats what am highlighting and not because i don't have studentship.

Getting funding for PhD

i think you must be missing the point here. what am trying to say is that, we should all be on equal footings because at the end of the day you can work in any country and contribute to the socio-economic development of that country the world as a whole. If that is the case why differentiate when looking for propective studentships.

i know there is a lot of funding gap but the status quo needs looking at.

Getting funding for PhD

H, i think you are instead missing the point.

My conversation with golfpro was all about funding. my concern is that most stuentships would try to segregate international students and focus on UK-EU members. I'm saying we should be on equal footings in such cases and no differentiation. At the end of the day its for the betterment of mankind.

Getting funding for PhD

thanks anyway, thats what am looking for because i funded my MSc programme.

If i may seek for useful information from you or anyone in this forum

Getting funding for PhD

i guess there is free tuition for scotish and could that not be applied. in essence education is an expensive venture but at the end of the day, educated people also pay back to society by rendering services.

this can be looked into in a wider perspective

Getting funding for PhD

not a matter of me paying for your tuition fee or you paying for me. this is about governments, universities, research institutes, etc because we all tend to benefit at the end.

secondly africans contribute a lot to their economy in tax payment which should be ploughed back to them as done in the west.

Getting funding for PhD

i would imagine that having live in the UK for 4yrs but thats not what their leaders are preaching at. i guess if you want to help africans, educate them rather than giving their leaders money which ends up to their own pockets.

the status quo needs to change for a better and inter-dependent world

Getting funding for PhD

as an african, i find it difficult to get studentship because most would require eu citizenship. how can we break that barrier so that we can all be on equal footing in acessing studentship