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Quit as I finish 3rd year?

======= Date Modified 28 Apr 2011 23:15:46 =======
So here is the thing: Got MSc in another country that took 2 years and as I started to PhD research there, I decided to move to UK (personal and academic prestige reasons). I had to do another year of coursework here but did not mind. I passed the exams, and 4 months ago I passed my MPhil transfer, despite being let down by my first supervisor who moved to another country, and a not so friendly second supervisor. My new first supervisor is great and supportive. But after all this time, and practical problems of funding (I pay overseas without any grant or anything and had to work as TA/RA to pay the fee+support myself), I realized I have made little progress in research, lagging behind people, and seen as a "loser" by the departmental community. I have two masters and potentially on the way to a PhD, however, just the imagination of sitting and writing down, and being around academics for another 2 years (at least) is just so painful.

Getting PhD would matter a lot in terms of my chances at the home country, but I have opportunity to look for a job here in UK as well.

All these thoughts pushed me through painful feelings of regret and worthlessness, and I have been in clinical depression+anxiety disorder for a month now, lots of medication and stuff, virtually not having done any significant research progress for 4 months in all.

I am trying to decide whether I should just stick with it, or downgrade to part-time (or leave of absence) and look for a job, or simply to leave with an MPhil.

Any experiences? Suggestions?