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Interview for Said Business School

Hi Ana
We have collected the following questions from various interview experience blogs of students and alumni who were recently interviewed for Said Business School (Oxford). They are not structured in any particular order. Feel free to use them for your reference.
1. Walk me through your resume.
2. Short term and long term goals.
3. He picked up elements from my past experience and was probing my on how I would relate those to my future interests.
4. Why do you think sports marketing is or is not that popular in India, where do you think the industry would go from here?
5. Why MBA? Why Now? Why Oxford?
6. Describe your company, your sector, and the challenges that your company face in your sector.
7. Can you tell me about an international economy event that have read lately in the Economist, Business Week or Financial Times (or other place) and that is interesting to you?
8. Can you tell me what you think about the role of China in the economy? What do you think the Economist would say about it? Do you think it is good or bad?
9. Do you have any questions for me?
10. Why the career transition & what your past experience had to do with the current position?
11. What're the challenges in your current job, especially the unique perspectives of doing business in China?
12. Why you want to make another transition after MBA? What's your motivation & preparation?
13. How will you contribute to the Said Business School?
14. What books you have read on social entrepreneurship?
15. Any question about the course & the program?

School manager interview questions

Potential interview questions

I think you can find some suggestions at http://typicalinterviewquestions.info/45-interview-questions-and-answers/
Hope this helps!

Interview tomorrow

Hi all,
I have an interview tomorrow, for customer service position in a mobile communication company. What will happen tomorrow? What should I prepare?
Pls give me some advice!
Tks so much!

Typical interview questions

======= Date Modified 23 Dec 2011 07:32:06 =======
I see that some of them are always certainly asked in an interview. Give suggestions for any question if you can and add other question if you know. It's really helpful for our community.
1. Tell me about yourself
2. What are your greatest strengths?
3. What are your greatest weakness?
4. Why are you leaving (or did you leave) this position?
5. Why do you want to work here?
6. What are your career goals?
7. What do co-workers say about you?
8. Are you applying for other jobs?
9. What do you know about our organization?
10. What kind of salary are you looking for?
(Source: http://typicalinterviewquestions.info/45-interview-questions-and-answers/)
Best rgs!:-)

I need help for finding job description

Some others samples for you:
general manager job description
HR manager job description
Use search box to find more I guess...

Do you think mobile banking is safe?

I think it's safe, but sometimes, it's not...

I need help for finding job description

I don't know about job description. It's only one of first results I see by searching Google...Use search box to find what you want first I guess. It save time waiting for you...

didn't get the job

Good luck in other opportunity!:-)

Job Interviews - starting to panic!

Hi DanB
I've got some interview and I see that the best preparation I can do is practice carefully for the questions that the recruiters often ask. They don't change so much.
Below questions list you can refer. I often use it because there're suggestions attached.
You don't say what position and you apply, so, use search box to find more specialized interview questions I guess.