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TOEFL test

Hello there !!
I'm gonna take one of the english language tests, i think TOEFL, bad my level is low, how much preperation do you think I need ? I want at least 92. 1 or 2 months is enough for this score ? Will it be useful to have a teacher just for the speaking and writting ?

phd opportunities

Hello there,
I'm a master student in Italy and I want to continue with my studies in a phd level. At the next season I will begin to search for a program abroad. I'm studying mathematics. My undergraduate gpa is 8 and my graduate gpa so far (I'm missing 4 out of 10 courses) is 7.5. My questions are:
1. At first, how difficult is to be accepted in a phd program with these stats in Europe and how many application i must do to maximize the probability to get into a phd ? Do I need to do applications outside Europe too ? (I prefer no.)
2. The most important thing to be able to go abroad for studying, is financial support. So, how many opportunities i have for a funding phd ? and what is the percentage of funding phds in Europe ? I know that the competition for some financial support is increased and I'm very anxious about this. I have heard that most students receive a scholarship or something, it is true ?
My questions are very general and there is no a certain answer, i know, so thank very much everyone who will answer ! I'm waiting for some posts !