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How to Analyse Likert Scales????


I'm currently doing my dissertation and need a hand in analysing my data. I would like to know if risk aversion has an impact on consumer's trust. I constructed a questionnaire and I have 2 statements to measure the risk aversion, and 4 statements to measure consumer's trust. These statements are based on five-point likert scale (1= strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree).

I got confused with likert-type item and likert-scale items. In some articles I read, likert item is a single question using the likert response, while likert scale is a series of 4 or more likert-type items. Likert-type item is an ordinal data while likert scales is interval. Now in my case, since I have 2 items for risk aversion, should I treat it as likert scale or likert-type item? An what about the consumer's trust, which is measured using 4 statements? Should I do the descriptive analysis with mean or median? And which one I should use to measure their correlation? Is it Pearson's r or Spearman's rho?


Help! Need Taiwanese respondents for dissertation!!

Hi everyone!

I'm an international student in Manchester and currently doing a research about consumption of luxury goods through social networking sites (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and its impact on consumer behaviour. I need 100 Taiwanese respondents to fill out my survey and now I only have around 40. So I really, really need your help to complete this survey and also share it with your Taiwanese friends. It will not take you more than 10 minutes.

Please see the link below, any help would be highly appreciated! I'm a bit desperate right now.

Also let me know if you want me to fill your questionnaires, I would be very happy to do it. Thanks!

Need Taiwanese Respondents for Dissertation!

Hi everyone!

I'm an international student in Manchester and currently doing a research about consumption of luxury goods through social networking sites (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and its impact on consumer behaviour. I need 100 Taiwanese respondents to fill out my survey and now I only have around 40. So I really, really need your help to complete this survey and also share it with your Taiwanese friends. It will not take you more than 10 minutes.

Please see the link below, any help would be highly appreciated! I'm a bit desperate right now.

Also let me know if you want me to fill your questionnaires, I would be very happy to do it. Thanks!
