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Quitting PhD. A good idea?

I have just been and confessed all to my supervisor, phew! I can't believe how easy it was, he was so nice about it. I really thought that despite him being a nice person, he would still be annoyed about it after all the effort he has put into it, and it is all for nothing. Big weight off my chest now! Now all I have to do is dump the boyfriend, move house and find a new job and I am sorted....
Thank you everyone!

Quitting PhD. A good idea?

Hi, I am also planning on quitting and want to tell my supervisor but how do I do it? He is a really nice guy and very enthusiastic, but I just know this is not the right thing for me. I want to end it all nicely as I could really do with a good reference from him for the job I am planning on applying for as it is related to some things I have done in the PhD. I have also just come back from a research cruise which he ran which was amazing, and I don't want him to think I applied for the PhD just to get the amazing opportunities he has given me. Help!