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Phd Loan Split


My PhD is self funded - I know how difficult funding is to get for the humanities, so I’ve been working full time for two years to save up. But I’m talking about the student finance England PhD loan of £27,300, which is split across your course!

Phd Loan Split

Hi all!

So I’m applying for the PhD loan, and it will be the only way I can fund my course. Along with my savings and fiancé’s wage, the £27300 split over 3 years would leave us comfortable. However, split over 4 years we would struggle. The course I want to do says ‘up to 4 years’. Do I get to choose how many years the PhD loan is spread across? Really worried about it!

Part-time PhD while working full-time

Quote From In_genious:
I started a part-time PhD in 2016 while working full-time, and I have just decided last week to switch from a PhD to an MPhil candidature. These last four years have been the most difficult years of my life. I have been struggling with depression and anxiety ever since I started the project. There is a very long list of reasons why, but I won't share these here. I have certainly developed as a person and I now know what I would like to do to lead a more fulfilling and happier life. You need to choose your supervisors very very carefully, and you also need to make sure that this is something you really want to commit to because we are talking about roughly 6-8 years of your life. To be brutally honest with you, I would not recommend it for most people; however, I don't know you and your circumstances, and as you can tell from the messages above, there are some people who have managed to pull it off. It can be done, but the experience will certainly change your life forever, for better or worse...

Thank you for sharing your experience, I'm so sorry it's been so brutal. My job can be quite high stress, but I'm lucky in as far as I get about 19-20 weeks of the year in holidays. I thought - perhaps foolishly - that I'd be able to utilise that time for the PhD and it would balance out not being able to do a whole lot in the term. I've struggled with bad anxiety and depression before too, it's not something I'd like to return to. A PhD has always been the dream, but I'm feeling quite concerned that I won't be able to do it now :( Thank you, and thanks to everyone who has commented, it's really given me a lot to consider!

Part-time PhD while working full-time

Quote From bewildered:
Hi OP,

I have a friend who managed it while teaching. It was an EdD though rather than a standard PhD. The course was set up for people working in education so was easier to manage. She had a supportive headteacher though and I think went p/t at work for the final year. She did it out of interest and never wanted an academic career but it's certainly served her well in the education world. She's now doing education policy work and is on double what she was earning as a teacher. It might not be the right route for you but in case you'd not come across professional doctorates, I thought it was worth mentioning.

Thanks for letting me know about this! I'd like to do my PhD in Victorian literature and gender studies rather than education, but I have friends who this would be absolutely perfect for and we'd never heard of it! Thanks so much!

Part-time PhD while working full-time

Hi everyone!

So I’m looking for some advice from people who have done this as to whether or not it’s feasible or possible.

I’m currently working as a secondary school English teacher, and I’m desperate to do my PhD. I’ll need to do my PhD part-time, so I can self-fund and continue to work, and as it’ll take 6-7 years I’m keen to get started next year. However, I won’t be able to go part-time at work. While it may be a possibility further into the future, it isn’t at the moment, and I’m concerned about an economic recession or crisis hitting which will mean I need to stay in full-time employment regardless. I do get about 18-20 weeks of the year out for holidays, and I’m wondering if there are any other teachers or people who worked full-time while doing a part-time phd on here, and if you could tell me whether or not it’s realistically to do this?

I‘d really appreciate any advice!

Chances of getting a PhD place? - English Literature


Thank you so much for your comment, it’s very very reassuring. I’m aware about the issue with finding, honestly my actual lecturers at St. Andrews said they got distinctions and still got rejected for funding on several occasions, having to re-apply the following year, so my plan was always to work and save and hopefully get myself into a part time position which would enable me to also work on and fund the PhD!

This is really reassuring, as I said. I was super worried about my transcript, because I’ve had 8 assignments, 4 of which have been a 14/20 (so a lower 2:1), three of which have been high 2;1s and 1 of which has been a first, which has averaged out into the module results I mentioned before and my overall mark of about 15/20. I’m a little concerned they’ll see my spread of 14s and write me off, but if the research proposal etc. Is as or more important, that does make me feel a lot better - my first and highest 2;1 were in modules directly related to what I want to work on for my PhD, and I also got a good mid 2:1 in my Theories and contexts module, so I’m hoping that’ll help me out as well.

Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out to me, I do feel a lot better now, I really appreciate it!

Chances of getting a PhD place? - English Literature

I feel a bit silly coming on here, and essentially asking for reassurance or validation, but I’m very worried. I’ve done my MLitt this year at St Andrews (in the Scottish system, an MLitt is an MA!). I did the MLitt in a course which was always going to be harder for me, but it was a challenge I wanted. It’s very theory based, something I’ve always struggled with, but I have really enjoyed it! My module marks, however, really concern me. I’ve ended up with the equivalent of a low 2:1, two mid 2:1s, a high 2:1 and a high 1st, with the diss still to go. My average is about 15/20, so like a fairly high merit. I’m not planning on doing the PhD for several years, and I have a good graduate job lined up so I can self fund, so funding isn’t an issue (or at least I hope it won’t be)! However, I’m scared that with marks like these I might not get a place at the universities I was hoping for. I was wanting to work with staff/departments from Kings College London, Cambridge, or UCL, and while they all say that they take people with merits, I’ve heard people say that they don’t actually do that, especially Cambridge - that anyone who doesn’t have a distinction isn’t looked at. I also wanted these unis as they’re the only ones closest to me which I can attend. I do have a first class undergrad degree - could someone please give me some advice or reassurance? I’m so sorry if I look whiny or silly, I’m just so sad about my marks, and I’m scared I’ve thrown the PhD dream away 😭