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Anyone interested in tutoring?

Thanks for the comments jojo and insomniac - no hard feelings at all. And I hope that things get better, Otto - I too am finding it hard to work after Easter. Don't know whether its the change in the weather or having had a few days off but I've spent most of the day staring out the window.

Bearing in mind that my original post was not opinion nor do I know Otto to be a "point-scoring male", I have just come across this in "The Guardian":

Anyone interested in tutoring?

No problem. I'm sure that there is a discussion that one can have about the morality of tutoring (probably very similar to that regarding private education) but I was only trying to help someone out in posting this. Sorry again if you feel that this is a misuse of the board - I am open to suggestions as to where to repost.

Anyone interested in tutoring?

Sorry to hear about the past history of misuse of the board but not sure that your response is justified. I can't see much difference between my post and that a few days ago asking for "Any budding TV presenters" which you didn't object to.

Yes, of course everyone who receives tutoring is lazy, bovine and rich...

Anyone interested in tutoring?

Sorry - purpose is revision for exams not writing assignments. Not sure where you infer that from. And "bastards" is a bit unecessary isn't it?

Anyone interested in tutoring?

Sorry to have upset you. I thought that the point of the forum was:
"to help current, future and previous postgraduate students to exchange ideas, get advice and generally help each other out". I thought that the above was an example of helping each other out. Any advice where I should repost to?

Anyone interested in tutoring?

Hi there,

I've been asked to help the son of a friend who is currently studying Business Studies at an English university. He's in his first year and is looking for help in revising for his exams in economics, international business and financial accounting. Unfortunately, my studies aren't in this area and so I'm wondering whether anybody out there might be interested in tutoring for a couple of hours a day between 16 April and 7 May 2007? He's based in London and it would be paid at above-average rates for this kind of work. I think the tutor would have to be a graduate of a UK university.

I've put some more details on the following link if you want to get in touch with me about this:
