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Preparing for Masters

A1, my advice is to read as much as possible any material(s) you can find on your course of study. It's a common practice in my part of the world to return to class after some years to get your Masters. Sometimes the experience(s) pays in the long run. You just take it in stride and live for the moment. Remember the undergrad days, the fun and all. Don't think about the age gap. Dont feel ancient either cos you'll definitely meet people that you are older than by 2-10 years as the case maybe. Do not let this be a barrier to learning from them. With God by your side, and ofcourse, you'll ask Him for wisdom, you'll sail through and get your wish - to get the best grade!

Narrate your experience finding schools for your programme.

It is a major task finding a school that offers the kind of program I want. I'll like to know what your exprience is/was like. Share your experience for others to learn.

project management: what does it entails?

thanks. i appreciate.

masters in mechanical/manufacturing

well, thanks for ur reply. u can as well tell me what to do or steps to take.

courses taught in m.sc mechclass

can any1 give me the list of courses for m.sc mech/manufacturing? H and Danny, any1, am waiting. my email add is femogbangba@yaho.com

masters in mechanical/manufacturing

sorry for not making that clear. I have a Higher National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and production as my option. I want to do my masters in manufacturing/mechanical. I'll like to know the school(s) that are genuine because there is a scam going on in nigeria about fake uk schools. i dont want to be a victim

masters in mechanical/manufacturing

i'll appreciate your help.

project management: what does it entails?

can anyone give directives on how to go aqbout this programme, schools that offer the programme. thanks

masters in engineering. can anyone help?

i'll want to know about schools in uk where i can do my masters in mech eng. i have HND in mech.eng'g with production as my option. i'll love to further my studies. can anyone put me through? i'll really appreciate it. i have UPPER CREDIT(3.50) from The Polytechnic,Ibadan.Oyo State.Nigeria. You can give me the list of schools i can apply to. thanking you in anticipation.

MSc. Aerospace in any Uk Universities.

thanks danb,i'll check it out.

study tourism in switzerland

lorendan, I happen to study mech. eng'g. I'll love to do my masters. Can I do that in your school? If yes, what am I to do? U can mail me femogbangba@yahoo.com

MSc. Aerospace in any Uk Universities.

I am a graduate of Mechanical Engineering(Production option) with Upper Credit. I want to know how to go about it. You can mail me femogbangba@yahoo.com. I'll love to meet people in this field.