Feeling a little bit lonely


I know - I understand the difference. I can't say I'm quite so happy when everyone is here, but I'm not as miserable as I used to be!


Hi yes i know exactly what you mean and often feel the same. I'm not sure what the best advice on this is, (sorry not very helpful i know) where are you based? Come and join me for a coffee!!


Hi Pup, I know exactly how you feel, I did most of my PhD remotely so I never got to meet or talk with anyone, it was soooo lonely!


I know this is bad, but I feel slightly better (relieved?) that I'm not the only one.

Rah--would love coffee, maybe one day we can co-ordinate an online coffee break and all talk nonsense for a bit (not a particular challenge for me!), although I guess that's what the other forum is for.

Cheers guys, am feeling the love