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Fabricated data

Sorry to hear this Elizabeth. Can you elaborate, maybe some of the members may be able to help.

PhD a waste of time

I know my advice may not be for everyone here, but I would like to say that there are opportunities and very good ones in Universities outside the UK (for those wanting to go into academia). I originally come from South Africa where a PhD qualification is valued. However whilst studying for my masters degree I noticed that some of the lecturers discouraged us from pursuing PhD studies because they thought it was a waste of time and there were no job prospects. I felt this was unfair of them to make this judgement, yet they had no PhD qualifications themselves.

I would like to encourage you that there ARE good universities out there in Africa if you dont mind working there. I must say the quality of life and the perks you would get are much better than you would get here too. The reason why most of us are studying here is that an English qualification is highly regarded in Africa.

Why not look beyond the English borders, probably that strategy may work and give you good experience in academia. Countries like South Africa and Botswana are good. The BRIC countries would also be worth checking, as their economies are developing rapidly and experiencing more growth than other developed countries at present. I appreciate that this advice may not be for everyone, but I hope it helps. Well done for completing your PhD and all the best.

Calling other PhD parents

I have 3 children too and about to start my PhD. I had my 3rd child in my undergraduate degree final year, then proceeded to do a Masters degree. I managed to complete my masters although I had to study when the kids went to bed. I would do 7:30pm till 11:00am. During the dissertation stage I would cruise all the way till 4am. My youngest is 2, he tends to play with his older brothers, so that makes life a bit easier.

Sadly I lost my young brother while I was in the dissertation stage of my masters. Thankfully I had completed my draft, which my supervisor was happy with and I managed to hand in the dissertation and do my viva voce. On the 2nd January we received news that my grandad passed away. He was diabetic, although he was old it was upsetting as I loved him very much. I am due to start my PhD in February. I am hoping to manage somehow. The recent events have been hard and as a mom I have to try and be strong for the kids. I am just taking one day at a time. I am so thankful for this site because I can communicate with other students and moms. Sorry for writing a long one. A happy new year to all and lets make the most of the time we have with friends and family and keep encouraging each other.