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Please take part in this survey!

Done, Aggie!

Would you be kind enough to answer a few questions in return? Here's the link to my initial survey. The study is based on how universities could improve the quality of the dissertation writing material they give to the students: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/studentforums.

Thank you :)

What should I do? Desperate!

Barbara, the last thing you need to worry about is your ability :)

As for ways of getting help, well, perhaps you could email the chapters with your Introduction one to some of the experienced users here and they could send you their feedback. I'm just an undergrad, but may be I could help...

The point is solve the problem. Don't fret it (up)

New Media & Improving Dissertation Writing - Become Part of My Study

Quote From joyce:

I've had a look, but I think it is aimed more at undergrads? at my uni there are loads of booklets on all sorts of aspects of writing, and I suspect they are also online, as is material concerning referencing etc. for undergrads, and of course anyone else can access this. I think my uni expects postgrads to recognise their own weaknesses and go and find the help themselves, the librarians would always help anyone who needed assistance in this kind of process - I  know because I used to work in the library on a Saturday on the helpdesk. One of the things with total reliance on computers to help students in these kind of areas is that they don't always explain things in more than one way so if you can't understand it the first time it just gives you more of the same instead of trying a different angle which can be annoying and unproductive.

Thank you for the insight, Joyce. The survey is, in fact, the first version of the instrument I want to use. This version merely checks if I'm moving in the right direction. I'd welcome opinions of any level of university students. The fact that your university expects your level of students to solve their problems on their own is not relevant. My aim is to get students' opinions about certain content management methods that I've discussed in the survey (e-books, videos, etc.) and which British universities can use to improve the quality of guidance material produced for dissertation writing. Undergraduates can give their opinion based on their expectations and how gratifying, or otherwise, their experience of dissertation writing is turning out to be, while graduates can respond under the light of their previous experience. If anything, their responses can be more enlightening.

Thank you once again for your time :)

Does anyone have access to these articles?

Not me, Cblim. Just checked.

New Media & Improving Dissertation Writing - Become Part of My Study

I am sure you nice people can do better than this :(

New Media & Improving Dissertation Writing - Become Part of My Study

Hey, all!

I am studying Education in my third year of University. I have already begun work on my dissertation, which is due next fall.

In the quest to work on an issue that is both interesting and important in relation to Education, I discussed with my supervisor the possibility of working on the new media and how it could help universities improve the quality of assistance they provide to students under the hood of the Writing Help Centres. She loved the idea, and after a few necessary steps here I am. I would like all of you to take a few minutes out and fill out this survey for my research. Please!


Help me out, please. Thank you very much!