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Finding this so hard!

Thanks so much guys - it's so nice to know there is a forum where I can talk about this- because I really can't at work!

I think half the problem is that I have two part-time supervisors, one of which I am certain dislikes me! I feel that she really thinks I am quite rubbish & see her frustrations when she talks to me, to the point where I don't want to ask her anything at all for fear of looking stupid!

Is this something anyone has experienced as well? I'm not sure how I would even address it!

I guess if I felt more supported, I would be feeling & doing better.

Seriously though, just being able to talk about it with people who understand is so very helpful. I feel I'm on the verge of quitting!


Finding this so hard!

Thank you guys :)

I think the main thing affecting how I feel is that I feel because this is such a good uni, there are only the top people here & I feel like I shouldn't be here! I feel I don't know as much & I'm not as clever & certainly not even anywhere near as motivated as I need to be. I suddenly feel very, very out of my depth. I feel like my supervisors are thinking they made the wrong decision in taking me on & don't feel I gel with them.

I just lack all motivation & dread coming in. I get distracted so easily!

I suppose just time will help a bit.

It just helps to know I'm not the only one to feel this way :)

Finding this so hard!

Hi all,

Just came across this forum & just thought I would air my thoughts in the hope that I might find some encouragement from anyone who has been through similar/is going through similar.

I have just started my PhD at one of the top universities in the UK & I feel like I am drowning! I am surrounded by very intelligent people who are so motivated and enthusiastic and creative about what they do every day. I, on the other hand, am finding it so hard to get motivated at all and constantly feel like I should not be here.

I feel like I am falling further and further behind every day and that I maybe just wasn't cut out for a PhD. I feel like it was the wrong decision & feel like quitting, but I don't think I could bear the embarrassment of it.

I left my last job to come & do this PhD, and my old boss wasn't really happy about it as I hadn't finished the project I was working on (I did give three months notice & thought I really wanted this PhD but he still wasn't happy). My last job paid really well & I liked it - I just felt this PhD was too good an opportunity to turn down & that I needed to progress.

Now I just feel depressed about my situation & feel like crying all the time. I couldn't bear telling my supervisors that I have wasted their time, nor face getting another (lower paid) job, nor having to ask my old boss for a reference. I'm not someone to walk away from something, and I know it's not that I am not capable of doing this PhD, I just can't bring myself to. I lack motivation and drive.

I don't think I want to be in research any more, and I am absolutely certain - even if I did complete - that I wouldn't continue in it.

I don't know who to turn to to speak to about this as none of the other students are struggling like me.

Any advice would be so very gratefully received :)

p.s. sorry if this is a bit waffly - very tired today!
