Overview of polichinela

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No one will speak in English.

Newtophd: I think that it would be better for him trying to study Spanish before than German... At least he could go to Ibiza after the viva exam... :) I think that German it has to be the most difficult ever... If not, look at the words, there are soooo long... I couldn''t make it.... OMG!



Welcome to the darknest way ever: to get a PhD. I'd like to say you that I have never known anybody who spoke to me well about that period of time. Is absolutely horrendous, in my case as well. But you have to keep pushing. Try to find the thing that you like most about your thesis and keep going. If not, think about the posibility to have a temporary rest.

Cheer up and good luck!

How to publish an article?

Hi there,

I am a post Doc and I am currently continuing my research on the Industrial Revolution. I am not part of any university and my question really is how would I go about publishing an article. I did not complete my PhD in the UK and therefore would really appreciate any suggestions on how to get the ball rolling with this as I am not fully familiar with the UK publishing process.

Thanks a lot
