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The Facebook-esque post your current status thread

Sammo is glad he found the postgraduateforum and now knows he isn't the only one with Imposter Syndrome!

Something like Endnote for Linux

I used www.citeulike.org for my dissertation and am now using it for my PhD. I find it really good to use, you can add a bookmark to post all the details of papers from their summary pages on supported sites (amc,ieee,springerlink etc), and you can export your list of references as BiBTex ready for use in LaTeX. Oh and being a website I'm guessing it'll work on Linux 8-)

New PhD students - let's all panic together!

Glad I found this place! I just started my PhD last Wednesday as well coming straight from my BSc. I feel like such a newbie in my lab, everyone seems to be in before me and leave after me and is constantly working on something all day. I just seem to be reading, and feeling really stupid having to look up "simple" things to understand equations. Glad I'm not the only one who feels like a fraud!