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Quitting PhD. A good idea?

Thanks again everyone.
I feel better than I have in years.
Can't remember the last time I was this bouncy. LOL
I have no idea what I will do next. Or what the future holds. But it doesn't matter. I am light-headed with hopefulness - not weighed down with hopelessness. I just wanted you all to know that it is possible to fly again!
I'm sure that this giddiness will wear off in a few days and then I will have to return to the real world.
But for now I just wanted to let the undecided among you... quitting a miserable PhD brings a fantastic sense of release.
Good luck with the decisions/Phds
Sara xx

Quitting PhD. A good idea?

Thanks every one for your support.

I am now off to Uni to officially hand in my 'resignation'.
I can already feel my breathing becoming lighter and I am smiling for the first time in years.

Good luck in your viva Matt.
And for those of you that are continuing with your research - I truely hope that the experience is rewarding and sucessful.

Quitting PhD. A good idea?

Thanks Matt. You said the words I needed to hear.
I've been dragging my feet about quitting for far, far too long.
So if you see a woman laughing manically atop the nearest hill, no need to call the police - it'll be just me, 'breathing' for the first time in years.

However, what the heck do I put on a CV or say in an interview?

I've been at this for 4 years, on and off.
So, what do I put on my CV about the gap since my undergrad degree?

I've taken breaks due to mental health issues that existed before I started and have been exasperated by the supervisor/department/institution failures in adequate academic support (let alone support for my health needs). I was just too 'frightened' to speak up before now.