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Moving Unis (UG to PG)

Did anyone else move from their UG uni to another for PG study and find that they really didn't like it?! I researched the new place in great detail but obviously you can't get a decent feel for a place until you enroll. Grr!

Let's go off topic: The finest words in the English language

Ed, surely the word ubiquitous should never be followed by the word fanny?!

As for fave words, I'd have to nomiate minion and fiend! Just say them out-loud!

What "Ch" unes have people got on today?

Muse - Knights of Cydonia. Probably the best song in the world, ever!!!

Commuting to Uni

Opps! Double post. Hate it when that happens!

Commuting to Uni

Ah, the Ipod. Surely a must for any commuter.

Commuting to Uni

Ah, the Ipod. Surely a must for any commuter!

Commuting to Uni

Hello Everyone.
Thanks for the replies. The journey I'm thinking of taking would be around 45min on the train and a further 15/20 min by bus. This shouldn't be too much of a problem. I suppose the thing to do would be to use the time travelling to do work or something and to spend long, productive days in Uni..
Thanks again

Commuting to Uni

Hi all.
I'm new to the forum. I was just wondering if anyone here commutes to the university where they are taking their PhD...? Also, how long a commute do you think would be acceptable before it just became unworkable?
