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Feeling down and out :(

Pineapple you have pretty much summed up the PhD experience. It doesn't get much easier as a postdoc. But then a PhD is so rewarding in the end - keep with it and as this forum is so excellent at doing - remember you are not alone!-)

Finding an external examiner

I had my viva last year. Although you don't get much input in the FINAL decision, you can indicate to your supervisor who you think would be good. Personally I would go with someone who YOU really want to read your thesis. Remember only a handful people will read it in totality so going for someone whose opinion you value and respect is probably a good idea. I think choosing someone who has some experience supervising phds and conducting vivas is important. You don't want a young gun who is out to show what they know rather than getting the best from you. Good luck.

5 weeks in and struggling already!

PS It took me most of my first year to really get 'into' my PhD. I have now submitted and awaiting my viva.

5 weeks in and struggling already!

Hi Walrus, Firstly - you are 5 weeks in - it is very early days and these feelings are (as I say in most of my posts) familiar to those studying for a PhD. Try not to worry. In the first instance, you were accepted to do this PhD - so unless it was by some 'fluke' - they want you to do this PhD and are confident you have (or will have) the ability to do it. I wouldn't keep this to yourself, I would talk to your supervisor. Attempt to read the articles and then write him/her an email detailing your concerns. If they are a good supervisor they will understand and take some time out to help you. Good luck.

PhD with integrated study and traditional PhD research

No problem. I think your feelings of apprehension are natural considering this is a new research degree. Would it be easy to change to a straight-forward PhD? Do you already have a Masters? If the answer is no to both, perhaps this new degree is an option. Good luck.

What should I expect from my supervisors???

pigeon-hole - hahaha - oops!

What should I expect from my supervisors???

Hi Rosy, This is a familiar PhD student situation. You are not alone - as the posts on here attest. I think one of the toughest lessons to learn (and this is not personal to you) is that the only people who really care about our research are...you guessed...ourselves! This can be incredibly frustrating. I would therefore suggest that you take it upon yourself to manage your supervisor. I would do the following: keep an up-to-date log of all your meetings (what was agreed), then email this to him afterwards, turn up to the meetings with an agenda (will focus his mind), and then keep in regular email contact. In terms of handing things in - if he has an aversion to opening his emails - I would put a printed copy in his pigeon - no excuses then. I hope this helps. I think we have all been there at one time or other. Good Luck!

PhD Depression and writers block

These are typical PhD student feelings - you are definitely not alone. I felt like this for a long time during my write-up period. I was working home alone and my only contact with dept was via my supervisor and his feedback on my research. I would encourage you to accept the difficult days and try to do something different when things get tough. For example, head to the library and get hold of any outstanding literature you need, do easy tasks like compiling your bibliography, organise your images, mess about with your fonts, brainstorm for other chapters - and if all this fails - watch your favourite DVD, meet up with fellow postgrads, go out for a coffee and read a good book. Part of the way you are feeling often comes down to the fact that we feel guilty if we step away from the thesis - but it is okay, you will work better if you feel refreshed and return to writing with renewed passion. Good luck - you are not alone. Oh and post on here, lots of friendly posters to cheer you up!

PhD with integrated study and traditional PhD research

Hi! Most people spend the first year of their PhD compiling their literature review and piloting potential methodologies and case studies. If this integrated approach enables you to consider the various literatures in the first 2 years, as well as help you to define your research area this could be helpful. Perhaps you can target your assessed papers at areas of your PhD research so you begin to write your thesis from the start of the course. Is your course popular and what is the success rate i.e. how many people complete the full PhD? If the answer is favourable, I would go with it. Sounds like you are getting an MPhil and a PhD together rather than the usual MA year and then PhD. Good luck. Also speak to your supervisor.

Thesis Submitted! ...

Well done BB - I have been off this forum for far too long! I have submitted myself - excellent feeling!-)

someone tell me its ok to give my supervisor crap work.

I would hand in your chapter - for a number of reasons. 1. imagine the relief you will feel once you do hand it in. 2. means your supervisor can read it and help you. 3. you do not delay handing it in for another month, when you could be making a great start on another piece of work. 4. this is part of the review process of academia - i.e. we submit articles, they get returned to us after the review process, we re-submit them. I would also attach a short self-critique with the chapter - shows that you know where the gaps are and is something for your supervisor to think about. Sorry for rant - good luck!!

What is your thesis title?

Woo hoo! Have been away for a while - but am I glad to read some posts from fellow geographers. Hope everyone is well and motivated.

what would you do

I would stay put - unless your supervisor is what makes the department you are currently in good. I am not sure what sort of research you are doing but by my 2nd year I was into my fieldwork and a move would have probably been diasterous. If you have a solid team around you - then stay. But if you rely (in a good way) on your supervisor and monthly meetings is not going to be enough then....

Do people fail the viva?

I have heard of quite a few people failing for a number of different reasons - first they have reached the end of their uni enrolment period and are forced to submit no matter what; second they are very mature students treating it like a hobby rather than the professional qualification it is (in which case the first is a possibility); third they have seriously plagarised; and fourth they just didn't have what it takes and their supervisor let them submit all the same. These comments are not meant to offend merely give some examples that I have heard. No personal injury intended.

since when does PhD student mean PA to your supervisor!

I don't think it should ever mean you are PA to your supervisor. Although I have noticed many people on this forum are in a similar situation to you. A lot of demands are placed upon them by their supervisor. I wonder if this something that happens predominantly to science-based PhD students where working in the lab and dept is more common. Hmm...my supervisor makes me a cup of tea when I got for meetings and I can say many academic friends are very wary of treating PhD students that way. Interesting.