Overview of ravshonbek

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Desperate for funding and out of options?

the original post says it is an enhanced course. so it might be expensive then??

you should be a local student as you said you do not wrok. most of the international students work here at least part time. if you are then speak to the banks in your country.
good luck

Work / Msc Southampton

hi, i got an offer from southampton as well. i was in southampton. it is a nice place to study. as to work, you can fit in a retail organisaition. the city has a large retail area. I am diong MSc in accounting and finance this year. good luck maybe we meet there

Job for Msc.

I think you can make you way to a company graduate training program if your University is from at least TOP 15-20 or you have an exceptionally good marks. Where did you go? Unilever's target list for 2008 is as follows: Aston, Bath, Birmingham, Cambridge, Durham, Edinburgh, Leeds, U of London, Manchester, Nottingham, Oxford, Sheffield, Warwick. They still should consider your application though. Good luck

MSc Economics - Royal Holloway or Southampton

employers look at the overall ranking mainly. take the one stands out in the overall ranking

good luck

Uk University rating
MSc Finance, which university?

give me your email. i will email you instead posting here. i would not say do not take cass offer but i can only give you the facts in the market now. if you like cass go to cass then. but do not take my words too serious as it is just my opinion from my experience around here. so it is entirely up to you actually. just emailme: ravshonbek@yahoo.com

I search for free scholarship or award to study in Medical science master

this kind a program is under scrutiny now by the British governemtn you should have been first checked. there is a special check. speak to the university you are applying about that.
Queen Mary university
Kings Collage
good luck

MSc Finance, which university?

Also see this http://news.students.efinancialcareers.co.uk/STUDENTANSWERS

if you are to work in audit or public accounting then go for any top 10-15 university. but as to Ibanks it is better secure a degree at the universities mentioned below.
thank and think again.

MSc Finance, which university?

hi mate, i am from uzbekistan. sure you are from there as well if i am not mistaken. Cass business school is very famous among employers as it is in the city of london and close to all opportunities but might not get you a good job as employers let's say IBs prefer students from Oxfrod, Cambridge, LSE, Imperial, Warwick and then Cass or Bath. Actually you are paying inflated price for your education at city university. warwick is much cheaper and more reputed. it is entirely up to you to choose mate. try the following as well http://news.students.efinancialcareers.co.uk/formhandler.cfm
just out of curiosity, how do you want to finance your study. if scholarhsip. whichever gives more go to that if you are paying for your edu. then i would say go to warwick.
good luck

Development Studies at LSE, Cambridge or Sussex?

lse mate

Development Studies at Cambrige, LSE or Sussex?

lse if u r in london

Urgently need advice about PhD funding for international students, help please!

try essex university as well. their funding base is not huge

msc actuarial science----Cass/Kent or Heriot-Watt

deff. cass no others. go for it.
good dluck

MSc Finance, which university?

Rozetta, depending on the country you are from you can apply for a scholarship at www.londonmet.ac.uk not a popular uni but good for starting i know some guys studying for free and working for banks.

good luck

MSc Finance, which university?

Hi mate,
listen. Warwick is in top 5 favorite universities of investment banks, actually Oxbridge, LSE, Imperial and Warwick are the target uni's of investment banks.
my advise would be Warwick as i have seen here in london many to recom. this uni. good luck with it.
I am going to do Southampton this year. get back to me if you need more info as i am in london.